Hands sliding into shallow water.
Hands sliding into shallow water.
Experience your Kneipp moment

The Kneipp philosophy and its 5 pillars

Often it is single moments, experiences and adventures that change you. Sometimes they trigger a positive turn for your whole life, sometimes they just save the day. Sebastian Kneipp also made a decision that changed his life: In order to treat his severe tuberculosis illness, he decided to give the so-called water cure a chance. The self-experiment in the cold Danube had an effect and set in motion a development that made Kneipp known worldwide as the "water doctor" and ultimately led to the creation of the Kneipp brand.

Since then, there has been one core idea that has guided us: We create moments that have a positive effect on you - your Kneipp moment.

Kneipp Moments: Happiness that works

After all, it's the little Moments of Joy that brighten our everyday lives and give us new energy: the joy in the eyes of your loved ones when you think of them with a little something. An invigorating shower that awakens life forces. A deeply relaxing bath that decelerates you. The feeling of soft skin after applying lotion. Breathing deeply with a good cup of tea...

We want to give you as many of these moments as possible - based on the 5-pillar philosophy of Sebastian Kneipp.

The human body is wonderful, and every part needs its care.

Portrait of Sebastian Kneipp
Sebastian Kneipp

The 5 pillars of Sebastian Kneipp

The experience that it was possible to cure a serious, then life-threatening illness with ice-cold baths was a real aha experience for Sebastian Kneipp. He took this as an opportunity to research the various remedies of nature.

Holistic concept of life
Healthy living with the 5 pillars of Sebastian Kneipp.

In addition to the healing power of water and the effects of medicinal herbs, Sebastian Kneipp dealt intensively with other factors relating to human health. The result: his 5-pillar philosophy. It combines the five pillars of water, plants, exercise, nutrition and balance into a holistic approach to healthy living.

The Kneipp philosophy is more up-to-date today than ever before. It is based on fundamental principles that are becoming more relevant almost daily: Living in harmony with nature, sustainability and mindfulness.

How Sebastian Kneipp's 5 pillars make a whole

With the Kneipp cure, the first of the Kneipp pillars, water, is certainly also the best known. However, Sebastian Kneipp's philosophy only becomes a holistic approach to healthy living through the interaction of all five pillars. However, it is never about self-optimization and perfectionism. Never about competitive sports, but exercise. Never about ascetic renunciation, but healthy nutrition. Balance is the key. And so Sebastian Kneipp's tips can be applied flexibly to each and every one of us. Just try it out ...