Bathing is good for body and soul. But how do you actually do it right? What should you bear in mind when jumping into the bath? Here you'll find useful tips, facts worth knowing and a little help on how you can best benefit from the beneficial effects of a bath.

Woman lies in the bathtub and puts her legs on the edge of the tub.

In the morning or in the evening? When is the right time for bathing?

It all depends on the right time: To make efficient use of the relaxing effect of a bath, the evening around 9 p.m. just before going to bed is a good time. The bath makes you tired, so it prepares you wonderfully for a good night's sleep. A cool bath, on the other hand, refreshes and gets the circulation going. Accordingly, you should choose the morning or afternoon for this.

Dark haired woman relaxing in the bathtub.
A cool bath refreshes and stimulates the circulation.

Hot, lukewarm, cold? What should the bath water temperature be?

What is the ideal bath water temperature? If you want to refresh yourself and stimulate your circulation, choose a cool bath. However, the water temperature should not be less than 20 degrees Celsius. Because if the temperature is below 20 degrees, the body has to expend a lot of energy to bring the body temperature back to a normal level. it contracts the blood vessels, the body can no longer cool down and this in turn can lead to heat build-up - so anything but productive if you want to cool down.

A little tip for cool bathing fans: If you take a cold bath, you should only stay in the water for a few seconds and then warm up properly.

The bath water should not be too hot

A warm bath is primarily for relaxation. A water temperature of 36 to 38 degrees Celcius is recommended. The bath water should not be warmer than this: too high a temperature can strain the heart and circulatory system. In addition, the warmer the water, the more moisture the skin loses. For a warm bath, a bath duration of 15 to 20 minutes is recommended.

Bath duration: How often and how long?

The saying "You've probably bathed too hot" is no coincidence: because too long a bath can strain the circulation and dry out the skin. Therefore, a bath should not last longer than 20 minutes as a rule. However, you should take at least five minutes to benefit from the relaxing and soothing effect of the bath. And how often? One to two baths per week are recommended.

Belly of a pregnant woman peeks out of the bath water.

Bathing during pregnancy

Many women are reluctant to bathe during pregnancy. They are afraid of putting a strain on the growing baby and, in the worst case, endangering its health. However, these worries are unfounded: It is also allowed to bathe during pregnancy. Especially because it is just as relaxing for the unborn child as it is for the mum-to-be. However, there are two important points to bear in mind.

The right water temperature is important

The temperature of the bath water should not be too high. The water should be warm, but not hot, in any case not more than 38 degrees Celcius. If the temperature is higher, this could trigger premature contractions. In addition, the already intensely stressed circulation is additionally burdened, which is of course to be avoided especially during pregnancy. In the best case, the mum-to-be should not be alone in the apartment during the bath.

Duration of bath: short but effective

When it comes to the duration of the bath, too, the motto is: quality not quantity. The bath should not last longer than 15 minutes. This is also due to the already stressed circulation. If the bath lasts longer than necessary, there is a risk that the blood pressure will drop too quickly when you get out of the bath. The result: the circulation collapses. Therefore, it is better to get out of the bath slowly and give the body time to get used to the cooler room temperature.

Dark haired woman relaxing in the bathtub.

Bath additive: Is less more?

A lot does not always help a lot - this also applies to the bath additive. Nevertheless, there is no general answer to the question of the ideal dosage of bath additive. Simply because bathtubs are different sizes and hold different amounts of water or bath oils, bath salts and co. differ in the dosage amount.

If you want to be on the safe side, you should simply take a look at the product packaging, where recommendations for a 100-litre bathtub are often given. As a rule, the dosage amounts here are between 10 and 50 ml.